Unable to cope with shadow self

I don’t even know what the term “shadow self” means officially, but as I interpret it, it is my projections of harm. I am not saying I actually harm others, usually I perceive it as other people harming other people, but these are all projections. I cannot cope with it, or the perception of it. Certainly not on a global scale. I see people coping with it and wish to be like them, but these are projections as well. I feel useless in this world when confronted by my shadow self, useless and powerless. I also feel scared, that it’s consequences will come back on me as I have experience numerous times this coming back during episodes. I don’t know if I am a coward, or selfish, or simply lack the necessary support network. I don’t know how to address this issue. Thank you.

id say dont fear yourself, as long as you know who you are thats all that matters, despite thoughts or whatever you might have

From what I have read and heard:

Your shadow self is the parts of your personality, good and bad, that you avoid thinking about and feeling. Often this is for social reasons.

I have a problem with standing up for myself, it used to be really bad. Often when someone did something unacceptable or hurtful around me, instead of fixing the problem, I saw confrontation as bad and kept quiet, not feeling my emotions. However, when I was on my own later, the feelings come back and I would rage for 15 minutes about what happened. You would say being confrontational is part of my shadow self.

To get past it, you need to acknowledge that it exists, understand why you are avoiding it, then find a way to deal with it without ignoring it.

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