I like having dark nights.
I love sitting outside, watching the stars at night in the winter time. The sky is so Crystal Clear
What date exactly do they?
Yeah here too
In the uk I think it is 2am on Sunday 31st October
There is a push by some experts to abolish changing the clocks…
They’ve been talking about that here, too. I hope they do.
Edit: But I hope they keep it on standard time, because that is the “real” “natural” time, and always feels better on my body.
Yea I like dark nights too. They have a cosy feel and Halloween feel
Hooray. I like the winter, cos i live in the dark in my flat anyway.
Its bonkers - but i feel safer going out into town shopping when its dark - cos i know no-one can see me, especially with a face mask on too.
My mothers the opposite - she will get depressed if she cant see the sun.
I dont feel so bad staying in all the time and going to bed at 5pm when its dark neither.
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