Type then delete ! My New form of venting 😞

I just typed things and delete them later on.

It’s actually clearing my mind and I can answer my own problems.

I type the question and then answer them by myself.

I feel if you can form a question
it’s probably because you know the answer to it ?
Just not thinking harder !

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I think you’ll like to journal. Because you can write thoughts and reflect on them.


Also sometimes I know the answer, don’t want to hear it and get my answer and I have to listen so this community really helps me to put things into perspective.


Its good that forum support in the midst of voices in my own head, where my own voice is lost.

What about the topic that are banned.

I started to delete them the most.

Because after saying it out like two or three para I realise its a public forum.

I don’t think it’s the place to share my piece of mind.

I am going to keep a journal as you said.

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I do this a lot. I also type my angry thoughts out and then read them over to help figure out what I am actually upset about, and then edit it to communicate more productively. For example, an angry first thought might be something like “you’re being a huge effing jerk!” But then after much thought and editing, what I actually say to the other person is something more like “When I have a headache, I still want to be able to make dinner for everyone. I cannot be in rooms that are noisy when my head hurts, so I can only cook dinner if you stay quiet while you’re in the kitchen.”


“The most heated bit of letter writing can be a wonderful safety valve - providing the wastebasket is somewhere nearby.” ~ Bill Wilson, co-founder of Alcoholics Anonymous.


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