I have Informed Delivery with the post office, and today there are what look like bills in today’s mail from She’ll and ExxonMobil. I had credit cards with them maybe five years ago, but I closed them. I’m just trying not to panic until I get the actual mail and see what they are.
They might be sending you new credit card if yours have expired
That’s an idea. I didn’t think of that, but I did close them.
Just got my mail and the two bills were just Privacy Notices. No problems.
I’m glad that’s all it was
My parents get billed sometimes by a credit card company that they canceled years ago. Alot of yelling happens.
Good thing my only credit card i own comes from the bank, they rarely pull stuff like that.
Once the credit card company notified me there was a charge from Jamaica from Jamaica Airlines, and wanted to know if I had been in Jamaica. They shut my card down for safeties sake. I said I haven’t been to Jamaica and the charge wasn’t mine.
Glad that’s all it was. Anxiety is terrible!
Thanks Sunlion.
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