TW murder TW

Guys, guys it’s not me.
It’s him.

When watching my grandma sleeping,
He orders to put a pillow on her face
until she dies

I’m good person. I swear.
Why does Lucifer attack me?

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Don’t act on your voices

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I don’t.
Should i go to the police and surrender?


I get this all the time.

Somehow you have to prove yourself not to act on it.

Contain it, the feeling and thoughts should go away after a while

I personally have had things much worse as themes, and after time they went away

Hope the same is true for you


As long as you haven’t done a crime there’s no point in going to the police.

Thinking about murder is not a crime.

If things get worse you could consider going to the ER to be admitted in a psych hospital. There you’ll be safer.

Have you called your pdoc yet?


Yes, i texted him.


don’t know why you put TW on your post,
every one of them from you is from left field.

Left field is irrelevant.
You’re starting making your nonsensical posts?

ha it’s an American thing.
left field means, you’re out there.

I can identify with you @Om_Sadasiva it’s happened to me a lot as well about my husband whom Alien wants to harm

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How do you cope?

Is it time to go to the hospital?

I rely on meds for this one. At the moment on the right dose of meds I’m relatively ok. If I still get Alien bothering me I struggle. I tend to self harm then, which isn’t good I know but it helps me. Of course please don’t do that too! I’m going to start therapy which will teach me how to cope.

Maybe therapy will help?

Are we dangerous?

I’d like to know that too , I worry about it also

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did you get a reply from texting, or help? hope you can talk to someone

these responses.
idk, you should know what to do by now.

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