Tv said something

“all you need to know about jiu-jitsu”

Directors are messing with me


I hope you start losing interest in your voices soon. That’s the only thing that helps.

That was not a voice.

It was a message, a hint

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It’s crazy.
Almost everyday tv says something like that
and makes me question everything.

Now someone on TV
said Louisa, the name of one voice i have

It is important for schizophrenics to avoid tv. It is a major form of mind control.


Real mind control
imagined in the head of szphrenic?

For those who didn’t understand,
jiu-jitsu is a phrase I say very often

Now tv mentioned Isidore, another voice i have

Those who control my life, monitoring,
watching and directing the show,
send subtle messages through tv.


Not so subtle messages. There is no special meaning behind the show. We have a choice-to watch or not watch tv. Programming is meant for people with a low or average IQ. They are trying to sell us things we don’t need. It’s your time you are letting them take. We have choices to make.


I know. But it distracts me from voices

This is a common symptom of Sz according to one of my pdocs. When I was there unmedicated I would see strange things on the TV and they would say messages in a way my mom couldn’t be understand. I believed some unidentified person or entity had wired the house with cameras and microphones and were monitoring me and mom. The TV set was there way of communicating to me.

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Yes, i see.
They give me the chance to question reality.
They say phrases and words that
mean a lot to me

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It is delusion of reference. The TV said is look like it refer to you. @Om_Sadasiva. Why your meds don’t working.


Hey, Aku, what’s up?
I’m not sure if my meds don’t work.

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I am fine thanks.

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Today I heard or read 8 words that rhyme with my name. When I was listening to music earlier, I heard four of my childhoods friend name in all the songs I listened to all day. I saw five green objects today and I had a dream about green grass a week ago. My favorite group is the Beatles and two of their songs came on the radio today. And so on… None of that means anything or has any significance to them. Just like the words you keep hearing on TV.

I understand this is a symptom of yours but it’s all coincidence. I don’t know if this kind of stuff happens to you because you are looking for it and you’re just sensitive to it. But its coincidence. You don’t hear the word Jiu-jitsu very often but just because you heard it today doesn’t mean it means anything. This past week I’ve heard my moms name in a song and one of my sisters names. I’m not going to attach any meaning to that because it’s just a coincidence.

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I know what you mean.
But sometimes it’s so bizarre and uncomfortable
that makes me wonder.
Even normies get surprised by “coincidences”.

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Yes, there are some amazing coincidences in life. But at the end of the day that’s all they are, just coincidences.