I want to tutor maths online, I am particularly interested in tutoring from an esoteric perspective, which will allow me to explore my crazy thoughts in relation to maths and share them with others. I am building a website to promote this. I don’t know if I will get any clients. I hope I do. Thank you.
I would love to see this. There is another poster on here who was a math major.
Thanks @anongoodnurse, perhaps you could be my first student I have to get a digital writing pad first, which I’ve ordered. My website needs a lot of work to attract people. I think I’m not allowed to provide contact details on this forum though
What’s esoteric math?
It is relating mathematics to esoteric philosophy, at least that’s my definition. I will be tutoring real mathematics such as you would find in A-Level or undergraduate, but presenting it in a way that relates to the inner world of perception.
No contact details, no avdertising, no encouraging delusions. You can not contact people about your upcoming services in any way, nor in any way ask others to contact you about them, nor share your website in PMs or on the forum, nor start threads about your services. Sorry. This thread is OK since you don’t actually have any services at the moment and you’re not sharing links or contact info.
Study kabbalah if you’re interested in numbers
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