Sleep is very important for revitalising, on the other hand managing without sleep gives discipline in staying awake and focused. I’m trying to sleep only once every two days at the moment without going psychotic. Wish me luck.
This doesn’t sound like a good idea
It was an instruction from my Sheikh, not sure if it should be broken into “don’t” and “sleep” or one phrase “don’t sleep”;?;
I want to develop my third eye and see auras…
Well good luck to you on that.
I’m not sure I can make it tonight, it feels like it’s going to be a long night
Discipline as a concept is good but can’t you exercise and practice it in a better, more productive area than sleep deprivation?
Well, in the end I did sleep last night, going to bed around 12:00am.
This sounds like a dumb idea. My voices are always worse when im lacking on sleep. Im not entirely sure what your wanting to achieve.
Part of good mental wellness includes getting a proper rest.
I think it’s not a good idea.
I managed it quite comfortably for about a week, sleeping every other day, without symptoms, which I think is progress, as in the past it has always led to relapse. I think, like fasting, it is good for saints and monks, but not good for schizophrenics, however I wanted to push myself a bit. It seems to me that many people on this forum are here twenty-four seven, or am I wrong;?;
It’s not healthy for schizophrenics.
No need for sleep deprivation for awakening.
So I’m thinking of going without sleep again tonight, I really do think it’s like eating. My TCM doctor told me you should only eat when your body tells you to, and I think sleep is the same, certainly that was how I operated as a child. I am feeling a little tired, but that is not the same as feeling sleepy. I don’t know, I might go to sleep in a bit. Thank you.
I’ve had similar ideas about 5 years ago. i decided life was for living and not for sleeping all the time. i also had some unusual beliefs about dreams but anyways i think i tried to stay up 28 hours and sleep 7 hours, which i was able to do for awhile. then i tried to see how long i could go without sleep and made it about 50 hours, by the end of the 50 hours i was afraid if i fell asleep i would die. i was hallucinating wildly be the end of it. eventually i slept and was relieved when i woke up, I’ve been going to bed at night ever since.
I’ve had a similar experience of fearing that I would die if I went to sleep after staying up too many days. When I was a child, I did sleep at night, just not for very long, often only four hours. Other times I would sleep through the whole night. I love dreams, when they’re good, but since developing schizophrenia, they have, more often than not, been disturbing.
Sleep deprivation has been shown to induce schizophrenia-like symptoms like hallucination, delusions and paranoia. Trust only your psychiatrist, he’s the only one qualified and experienced to treat schizophrenia.
I think you just want the attention…you know what you are doing is pressing on your ability to be lucid after sleep deprivation and now you’re arguing about it…yep, you just want the attention…
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