Trying to convince myself not to take legal action against my aggressors

So, as you know, about 13 years ago, said people started invading my privacy. It’s put quite the kink in my life, so, from time to time, I consider taking legal action against them. I don’t know what the repercussions of me doing so would be, so I’m trying to convince myself not to. Help?

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I don’t know the details of this story, or what you mean about “invading your privacy,” but it’s unlikely you can take any action if it was thirteen years ago. Statute of limitations likely applies.

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If I remember correctly, you thought that even the people on this forum were spying on you, so I don’t think your beliefs are in line with reality. I doubt that that all these people find your life that interesting. So, I think trying to take legal action in this case would just drain your resources and waste your time. I really wouldn’t recommend trying to get a lawyer for this. It will make you poorer and waste your time. Don’t waste your money and time.


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