Trying to concentrate real hard and it gives me headaches

i suffer a lot from this. i amtrying to think and the result is that i think like a crazy woman… can a med help for this? its serious this illness… if i stay like this, ill kill myself one day, its not a life this,its agony…just one month on haldol for the info… :slight_smile:

Oh @Anna1 you are constantly suffering lately.

I truly hope that you can find some relief from all this suffering.

Stay in touch with your pdoc and make sure that you let him or her know wht you are going through.

Hang in there :sunny::rainbow:

i am constanly syffering since years already… i am trying to find a little piece its not here… i hope after the zombification of haldol it will get better, you believe it? somebody who was so much ill and got better?

I like the headaches I get from learning.