Trigger warning -- operating system w/o capitalism

I’m wondering what kind of operating system we would have for our computers if we didn’t have a capitalistic society. I’m sure we would have something very different, but would it be better? They say that when Microsoft was developing the Windows operating system its workers could work any eighty hours a week they chose. I’m wondering if we could have gotten the same kind of focus and drive for this job in a different economic system besides capitalism.

you’re too smart for me…I don’t understand…

There are two other alternative computer operating systems besides Microsoft Windows that consumers can choose. The various Linux distributions and MacOS both have a smaller market share of the PC market than Microsoft Windows but overall, the PC market is shrinking due to the rise of mobile smartphone operating systems such as Google Android and iOS. Microsoft Windows had a monopoly in regards to the PC market after Windows 95. However, prior to Windows 95, DOS (Disk Operating System) was the main O/S for PCs.

Free-market capitalism did contribute to Microsoft’s dominance in computer operating systems after the 1990s. However in the 1980s, Apple’s Macintosh also rose to be the dominant computer at its time under the leadership of Steve Jobs.

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Thank you. I’ve already learned something today.

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