Trees are much Nicer than people


that tree is a giant :slight_smile: i never saw one that big before :slight_smile:

those kids look like they really love that tree :slight_smile:

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Thats hella slow, where is that turtle guy?


@Aziz that tree was old when Jesus was Alive :slight_smile:

Trevor is about 100yrs old i think

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Wood Wide Web, very interesting

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Sorry for the vulgarity. I’ve been supervising my son’s online time and listening to 5 gay teenagers in a voice chat kind of makes you start to notice the double entendres as they arise.

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lovely story.when are we getting invitation to the wedding.

They suck at carrying their side of the converation.

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That’s Trevor in the top 3 pics and Simon (his pal) at the bottom, bob is also behind Simon


Lol! JC! @Ninjastar

And I thought only my mind had the dark comedic sense.

Kudos to you for seizing the opportunity.


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“ when you go out into the woods and you look at trees, you see all these different trees. And some of them are bent, and some of them are straight, and some of them are evergreens, and some of them are whatever. And you look at the tree and you allow it. You appreciate it. You see why it is the way it is. You sort of understand that it didn’t get enough light, and so it turned that way. And you don’t get all emotional about it. You just allow it. You appreciate the tree.

The minute you get near humans, you lose all that. And you are constantly saying “You’re too this , or I’m too this .” That judging mind comes in. And so I practice turning people into trees. Which means appreciating them just the way they are.” - Ram Dass

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I believe trees have souls.
I love trees!


I just looked at google maps, the old oak tree is still there from when i grew up, must be close to a 100 by now


I was a bit gutted when my favourite tree from childhood got damaged in a wind storm, the canopy of the tree broke off, its nice to think that some of the other trees are helping it :slight_smile:

@Wave have you ever seen avatar where the humans are trying to knock down the sacred trees which were the heart of the community, i think the Aliens on that planet were communicating with the trees or something and they worshipped the trees.

@rocket When i found this tree i was looking for a place to sit and the timing was perfect (as it should be) i think it was love at first sight tbh and i started to really appreciate and admire the beauty of it which gave me a greater connection to nature itself.

Its really beautiful to think that these trees are not just lumps of wood the grow for no apparent reason, if they talk to each other under the ground then i am glad but i do feel sorry for the lonely tree, i think they may be on a diffferent page from me though :slight_smile:

Good Job @Resilient1!,


I Love Trees.

Did You Know That If You Stop, Sit, And At A Distance Analyse A Tree Close By.

She/He May Show You Some Secrets About Illusions & Reality. History & Society.

One Tree Once Shown Me A Pentagram. Among Two Other Symbols To Wonder, Wander, And Ponder.

Trees Are Nice I Agree. . . . . . .

Lol these thread are just anthropomorphisms, as Feuerbach would have said: man created tree in his image and likeness.

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No I haven’t seen it @Resilient1

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Your a bunch of treehuggers :deciduous_tree:

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