Tormented Schizophrenic Artist Cries Out For Support

Yes! I have been to business school for a year, and have some idea about business planning and sales. I also have some good sales textbooks to refer to for more information about techniques especially e-sales and telephone sales. But I’ve got to brush up. I’m certified in customer service, and I am also a certified Microsoft Office Specialist. I really think we can do this. If you handle the live recordings - I can handle all the heavy orchestrations and synthesizers with my high tech gear. We could hit any target market we choose and sell to any market because I’ve got every instrument you can possibly imagine at my fingertips. I heard your jingle and it sounded really professional. We can make jingles sound as big or small as our target market demands.

By the way, I graduated from that school with honors. The name of the school is Computer System Institute in Elgin Illinois. But for a lack of work or any real business plan, I still haven’t been able to pay them for the education. I would use my part of the income, in part, to do that.

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I have an appointment now…but I’ll come back here later today to talk some more. :wink:

Cool, see ya!

Cool music man, I like your stuff ! A lot of good artists here at the forum.

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Sorry lurkers…

Me and Mikee are taking this show to PM’s only! When you hear our music on the Radio pitching products and services…you’ll know we made it! :wink:

“Radio what’s new? Someone still loves you!”

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It’s funny. I think most songwriters would cringe if they were reduced to writing Jingles for Advertising.

But I look at it differently. People’s attention spans are so short these days, I actually believe that short, snappy, catchy songs are the way to go. You can also reap good $$$ through royalties from what I’ve heard.

I’d be happy just catching on with ONE successful Song/Ad campaign. Then I’d try to parlay that writer’s credit into more music and more accomplishment.

Every fire starts with a spark…we’ll see.

Patrick is correct. I’m a businessman too. And the music comes from the ether. I can bring it forth with effort, and with my labor I own it. Therefore I have the right to sell it to the highest bidder. As the great master Hendrix once said in his masterpiece “Are you experienced?”

“But to who in your measly little world are tryin’ to prove that you’re made out of gold and can’t be sold?”

Musicians like to eat, as well as feel satisfaction with their art.

Whoever pays the piper calls the tune.

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