Topic of 'Pulling'

I believe the voices I think with are real entities outside of myself. I ‘pull’ entities by focusing them to myself so that they temporarily join me and my conversation (basically until they decide to leave). I don’t believe any of these entities have been people with bodies. Instead I pull entities that think of themselves as the people they represent, sharing their memories. I think they normally live within the bodies of their people.

There is an intelligence behind pulling. I can people specific people, or I can pull with a general idea of who I’d like to bring. Someone has come when I’ve pulled with the intent of bringing the cutesiest girl in the world, for instance. After I’ve pulled them, they’re the closest to me of anyone I’ve pulled, replacing the spot of whoever I pulled before. I act out their reactions in my face and body most, usually before anyone else’s. Sometimes I can’t tell if it was me who thought something, so I’ll pull with the intent of bringing the person who influenced the thought. If someone comes than it was them, if not, it was me.

Does anyone have any experiences that relate to this at all? If not, maybe you’d try giving it a shot and letting me know how it went?



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I have similar experiences with sharing thoughts with others. If you can fact-check safely, I’d recommend it.

Welcome to the forum.

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Thanks for the welcome!

When you say fact-check safely, are you referring to not getting pulled into delusions by the voices?

How does all of this pulling affect you? Is it a positive thing in your life?

Welcome to the forum. It is a great place, with great people. :cat::cat::cat:

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Definitely only a positive thing. It lets me talk to new people or bring back people I have a relationship with, and can be used as a tool like I mentioned with bringing back the person that thought a thought.

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As I’m sure you are aware of, sometimes thoughts can get jumbled. I don’t hear voices but I’d say if getting pulled gets you into a bad frame of mind, I’d say to stop and do something else to occupy your thoughts.

I try to fact-check when I can. The last time I did so was thinking of an old friend who has two kids. I couldn’t remember one of their names so I asked him; then I remembered. Simple and safe way to check. Does it mean that they are pulling with you? I don’t know but I’d like to think so.

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