Took a break

I was in active for a while on the forum. I’m back now, it has been a ride. I just got out of the hospital last month. Was there for 3 weeks. The original plan was residential at the state hospital or a local commitment building but they saw major improvements, so I got lucky. I still have symptoms but I try to cope with them. I can say for once I’m semi normal. Thanks for reading.

  • lonely lord

Welcome back.:slightly_smiling_face:

Hope you will enjoy the forum again.

I remember ya.

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Hi, @SacredNeigh7! Thank you! I remember you too. Hope you have been healthy and at peace!

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Welcome back, glad you got out and you’re feeling better. A hospital is no place to be right now.


Welcome back! You have been missed.

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Thank you, Leaf. Yes it was bad. Never again.

@Ninjastar thanks Ninja. Hope all is well.


All is well here. The family and I got over possible corona, so we feel pretty safe now.

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