Tonight is the super moon

Tonight is a high temperature spike, an oddly high tide and a super moon.

That explains so much for me.

Warm evening, high tide, super moon. This doesn’t sound like a night for sleep. Last time there was a night like this; warm, bright, and no one could sleep, many neighbors and I had a midnight picnic. I can already smell the wood smoke from the small fires on the beach.

This is not a night to be in. This is a night for dancing in the surf.


Wow!! I need to see if I can get a glimpse of this here… :smile:

Oh great, completely Missed it :frowning:

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At work! GRRHHH!

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Sounds beautiful. I might side with you when you say,

Most certianly isn’t.
God my voices are only telling me “witchcraft witchcraft!” it’s also not as bad as it seems, I like the spirits in revelry, they are always caring.

August 10 :smiley: Watch out :smile: