Today I saw a Mexican

With his bicycle, and a flag of Mexico.
He probably travels through every small village and town in Greece with his bicycle.
From time to time, I have seen several tourists with bike. Are they crazy? Lol

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This seemed so odd to me because I live where there are so many Mexicans. But I guess you wouldn’t see that many Mexican flags in Greece.

Not even Mexico is certain.

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Lol. Nothing is certain, my friend


Viva Mexico! 15151515151515


Are you sure? :thinking:

I’m not sure that I am sure.

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Sounds pretty confusing.

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I live in Texas and see Mexicans everyday. They deserve more recognition for all they contribute to society I think.

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Today i saw a polish couple - but as most of the population in this town are - its no surprise. lol

I take my hat off to them tho. They all congregate down the end of the road to be picked up at 4am and do 15 hour shifts.Yet the native english round here on the main, are a bunch of scumbags - that would rather steal and deal heroin and crack - and then they spout the old cobblers theres no jobs for them, and they have taken them all.

Plus i love polish food lol (I am english too btw).

I used to live in Phoenix and there is a large population of hispanic culture there…the mexican food restaurants were wonderful !! one thing I can’t find any more is green corn enchiladas anymore…booo…haha

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