Haha ya f u tobacco
puffs on his vape
Neat. Although the US is strange. West coast is pushing for certain drug legalization, some states are starting to decriminalize small amounts of any drug.
But there is still a push to ban smoking. Just seems hypocritical, but then again it’s the US, total wildcard lately.
Do usa produce tobacco?
F nicotine. IMO
I don’t know that it is hypocritical. The whole reason behind the push for legalization of drugs is that they can be better regulated. Smoking isn’t being banned, just regulated in an attempt to reduce harm. That said, IDK that this will actually have any effect. It seems like people will just smoke twice as much, to me.
Sounds kinda communistic .
Hmm. . .
Still Waiting Patiently For The Legalization Of Marijuana. . .
It Shall Happen One Day.
Strange…, It’s Almost Like The Government Is Giving People The Time To Let The Dust Settle In Order To Weigh The Options Of A Life With Or Without Legal Highly Wanted Plants. . .
I’m Waiting And Will Have One More Obstacle To Cross After It’s Legalized. . .
And That Is My Doctor. If She Accepts My Wishes, For Extraordinarily Amazing Rest. . .
Then!, All Shall Be Well.
Plus The Musical Door Is Waiting For Higher Ground. At Least Stranger Times In The Respect Of Consciousness And Subconsciousness.
And On The Subject Of Cigarettes. Vaping Has Taken It’s Place Some Time Ago.
Preparation Once Again.
~P.s. Hope, Trust, True Love, Honesty, Joy, And Endlessly Eternal Peace!.~
Thanks Biden now we will smoke twice as much and damage our lungs
Just ban the @#$%ing things outright.
That’s an awfully selfish thing to say. Just because you don’t smoke you don’t have to constantly treat smokers like they are garbage. Life is hard and cigarettes are an option that won’t rot your teeth out or drive you insane like hard drugs. I know you don’t like the smell but some sensitivity would go a long way.
News to me. Hope they keep their paws off my beloved cigars though.
Forgive me for not liking that people are being poisoned and exposed to carcinogens and slowly murdered by big business for big profits. Inexcusable. Slow murder is still murder and people should be screaming it from the rooftops.
It’s strikes me as very ironic that some states are decriminalizing more and more street drugs, and they simultaneously regulate nicotine/tobacco/smoking. I don’t think BAN BAN BAN is appropriate. People need to be accountable for their own actions and have some personal agency. If it’s a matter of other people encroaching on one’s health, we could lump traffic fatalities in there and ask lawmakers to regulate that too. And one thing we can be certain of, when things are left to the government, you better bet it will be bungled to the nth degree.
I think that instead of smoking 1 cig people will smoke more to get their nicotine fix. That I believe will cause a boost in sales. I wonder if Biden has his hand in their money pot cos y’all know people are gonna smoke more.
And @shutterbug i think you’re right about cig companies. They don’t care if my sister gets cancer cos she craves nicotine. Not only that she smokes by my door with the door open and the smoke comes into my house. So I breathe some of it in.
Hmm?. . .
One Sunny Morning I Was Walking Alongside A Busy Street. Filled With Roaring, And Gentle Cars. I Thought To Myself, ‘Why Don’t We Jus Dig Up All Of The Roads And Go Back In Time’?.
Release The Horses Perhaps?. Release The Rest Of The Forgotten Creatures Perhaps. . .
And Everyone Jus Walk To Where They Need To Be. . .
Less Chance Of Serious Illness And Death.
Exercise. And A New Set Of Travel Rules. To Ease The Pain Of Reality & Statistics. . .
The health effects of second-hand smoke are generally negligible. You should be afraid of fireplaces and air pollution, not your sister’s smoking when she’s near you.
Yeah. I wasn’t aware of that. Thanks for the info. My sister is trying to quit though
Yeah unless she lives with you and you ventilate poorly the level of exposure for you will be low.
She actually lives with me. When she smokes she smokes by the door with the door open. I still get a little exposure. I’ve never been a smoker.