and To Yours and Yours Alike ,
Side Note ,…,
Self to Self , Within Towards Some “lucky” Witnesses … ,
Please Friend and Friends , Enjoi Tha Words Here Within Thus Foggy Thread … ,
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“any reasonable individual that would have had to bare my existence would have ended it long ago” – Edwin Penn IX
“i would rather hang them with hooks from their crooked backs then to acknowledge that they too dream whilst they sleep” – Julius II
“curious how in her smile i find evidence of the soul, something i have yet to find in any of the religious texts” – Anonymous
“i have stepped into mirrors and travelled beyond the farthest reaches of eternity, even so, i would have found a better enjoyment asleep in my bed” – Quintus DCCVII
“it is within our desire that gives remembrance to our very own creation, as vile and incestuous as that is, we have no choice but to render our own selves naked at some point” – Mildred Coburn VII
“it is your willingness that in them finds no appeal, be as a devil, willing only to strike a deal” – Thornton Tinsley III
“be still my heart, it is all gravestones from here” – Grante Alcott LXX
“your sentence unto me, as a noose that only tightens around my neck, this is what your desire speaks of” – Lula XLI
“she, my miracle, i think of it not, for if i did, i fear i would never live to see another one” – Angus Culver II
“always you say to cure it, idle wasted mechanical flesh, mayhaps a coffin to treat those ailments” – Atherton Morely XVII
“fate you say? there is none, exists only in poetic prose, what can be seen however, is a shallow misery that fattens itself up plump as you feed on that delusion” – Calvin Marlowe XXXIII
“your sorrow is little more than a bore, and you have suckled from that charity within me as it were a neverending feast, i wonder how it is you are bankrupt of shame” – Caroline LXI
“to always be agreeable, an intoxicating love affair with servitude” – Louisa Arden III
“his blood is only interested in mixing itself with more blood, to be a leech, draining the fluid from all it desires” – Beleeos V
“what choices do I have, to look up towards the heavens or look down towards the hells, either way i am submitting to the will of something other than myself” – Amantius Xenocrates IX
“her laughter fills me like wine, as a child i dream, drunk in her garden” – Thucydides Anastasius IV
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(((Please))) ,
Please Enjoi Tha Sliver Of Artistic Moments and Errors Of Boring … ,
Thus Is A Page I Created and Am STILL Proud Of ,
If You Dear Reader Have ANY Questions OR Any Such Beyond Or Within All That Has Been Written , Either Here OR There , Please Feel Free To Lividly Question Thus Thread and Tha Thots Within … ,
I Would Be Happi To Help …
Either (by) Liking Or Disagreeing Your Thots Etched In Thus Stone Would Be Awesome (!!!)