To whom should I talk?

If you’re part of the plot, you would assure me that it’s a delusion, but the truth is that everyone is an actor

I’m not an actor.

that I know of 1515

I expressed my thought to a female friend and she got angry that I dared to call her an actor.

I was abused when I was little, it made me think that all men were going to be abusers it took a leap of faith to believe that just on man wouldn’t abuse me. Just one. Then soon I thought another wouldn’t. Then another. Pretty soon I had faith that many men were not abusers. I tell you this to point out that it all starts with that leap of faith. That’s what you’re missing. Faith. Believe that someone is real. Take that leap of faith that someone is not an actor an it will unravel. Believe in anyone. There has to be someone that you have faith in, someone who would tell you the truth.


I once read that Shakespeare said that on the stage of life you get three actors:1 = Savior, 2 = Victim, 3 = Accuser. It’s like a triangle.

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I’m not sure. If you have seen the movie,
family, friends were all actors.

what movie? 151515

It’s pretty complicated.

(begin unusual belief)

When you’re “deep” in the schizophrenic hole, higher levels of conscious take an interest in your affairs, and communicate with you indirectly, through the consciousness of other people. That’s where you get those “secret messages”, and sometimes entire strings of back-and-forth dialogue. If you’re deep enough, it can feel like you’re the only person in existence, and that reality itself only exists for your pleasure.

If you treat the schizophrenia thoroughly enough, and mitigate the brain inflammation to the minimum, your brain stops churning out endless adrenaline, which would otherwise oxidize and form the LSD-like psychedelic adrenochrome, and cause you to trip 24/7 and have those metaphysical experiences.

You become normal. Aware that you’re just another fairly unremarkable face among billions. Those “higher levels of consciousness” lose interest in you. Life begins anew.

(end unusual belief)


Truman show, the movie

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Oh yeah, I saw that movie, that was good, but totally not doable in the real. Nobody cares that much. People are too lazy fundamentally to pull off something of that magnitude. But I’ve had the thought before.


If you were in my position, whom would you trust?

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We are all actors.

I know. And you are an actor who is supposed to admit it. I know all your tricks

For me it started with a therapist. He had nothing to gain. He had a belief system I liked. And he struck a cord with me. His name was Jack. But you’ll have to find your own Jack. Someday hopefully you will and stop torturing yourself.

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Ok, sounds reasonable.
Maybe one day, another Jack of mine, will make me trust people again

I got lucky, really, but I’m still sick in other ways, so how lucky am I. We’re all sick here. So if you’re problem is a Truman delusion it’s not that bad a problem to have compared to some.

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The Truman show movie made more sense during its time. Nowadays, people watch so many shows with so many different plots that it would be absolutely ridiculous to spend the kind of money it would take to make such a show. Paying actors for that much overtime, investing in technology that doesn’t actually exist, making a set the size of an entire country, clearing out all non actors whenever you decided to travel, and the whole show is just some guy walking around living a normal life for decades? Nobody would watch it and it wouldn’t make any money.

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Yes, it requires an infinite amount of money and technology and preparation. I know.

Look at the shows people watch. The camera angle changes every few seconds. There are plot twists and drama. Even reality TV shows need to be reshot several times until takes look right. Also, you’re from Greece. Greece doesn’t have a thriving media presence. Very few people outside your country speak your language, and your country isn’t very big. There just isn’t an audience for some guy living in Greece and going about daily life.

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