Tips for Work guys?

Okay. I got a new job at Dunkin Donuts. My mind hasn’t gotten better with the Latuda drug I’m taking. Now its been a month since I worked there and now I’m like “■■■■ this.” I can’t take it anymore. How do you guys feel about work? Do you guys have any tips about keeping a job because I passed my capacity.

I take a day off when I really need to. Otherwise, I lay low and do the minimum when I’m having a hard time. I give 110% when I can so that on the days that I can’t it all evens out. Just do your best and stay afloat.


Be there on time and do your best. Ask questions if you don’t understand something but not too many. My dad told me that it takes about three months to really know what a job is like. You’re still fairly new, it may get easier once you get used to it and become familiar with it. Maybe it might help if you could work less hours.


I think we are in the same boat i sometimes feel i can’t keep at it too. Work is so difficult sometimes I want to quit. I think I’m doing it on anyway. I’ll do it as long as there’s an job offer. I just think it’s much better to have a job and an income than sitting there everyday. If you’re having difficulty working for the fast food industry, maybe try some job with less work stress.


work can suck, but you gotta keep plugging away, my suggestion is to ask for a day off to ‘cool off’ and talk to your Pdoc about the meds not working.

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I don’t know what to say. Except. I am very very good at what i do. I had to take half days recently. But during the time i am there i give it my all and some more. and it all evens out. Like @hedgehog said.


Thank you for the encouragement. I really need it. I just think my sz is flaring up and work is making it worse.

Do what your colleague is doing and try your best to help…we have mental health issue,so it will be good to spend sometime alone to relax,space out and control the negative thoughts you might have and turn it into more positive ones,good luck!

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I know Dunkin Donuts, I’ve been a regular at the drivethru in various cities. I’ve also known a few people who did or tried to work at them. I love their regular coffees and sausage egg and cheese breakfast sandwiches but know that it’s a thankless job at low pay. I knew someone who got a job in the tech sector in a major city making tons of money who quit this and went back to slinging coffee at Dunkin’s because he couldn’t take the stress or the commute. I more recently knew a guy who got a job there but couldn’t take the constant chewing out of the manager and early morning hours.

I don’t know, I guess like I go to a community mental health center and there’s rescources at these places to help you figure out carreer descions like what I needed when I was dropping through the cracks when I was in my teens and struggling to keep a job, if only i’d known about this rather than being pressured to keep going with my "private dr.

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