Tips for Delusions of Reference?

Yep, your head is a genius, but you don’t know enough about the world and life to know it is a genius.

Do you ever notice how well it illustrates the theatrics which we all complain about? I mean it is perfect. It’s genius no matter how much we don’t like it.

And how it portrays things is simply your learned IQ. That is the demeanor of the references. It comes from everything you already understand, and you’ll find that the more you self educate, the more those references change.

Try not to indulge in make believe stories like fake TV shows, movies, music, and video games too much. What you are learning is a pseudo index system for your references to play off of. Basically if you want your genius to be more comforting, then you have to change what you know with facts about the real world and life in stead of fake stuff that is all subjective opinions which are meaningless in reality.

I just want to say again how effective and amazing your advice has been for me all day today. The trains of thought thing improved my state of mind tenfold. I just choose the rational train each time and it works wonders. c:

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I agree that was really helpful advice. I will remember that when my delusions start to make me paranoid.

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Really glad it was helpful for you guys :slight_smile: