Time to pay the piper

compulsively threw out the last of my old meds which i only found again because i have no insurance so i cant get more of my current meds and i rather not take meds then switch back to that one again.

i have had too many extreme side effects from meds- 170+ pound weight gain, tardive dyskinesia, almost dying from two meds interacting and affecting my heart, all this and im not even 20 yet.

all to get rid of the voices, i may be a bit different as i dont act too erratic or anything during psychosis and always have insight and awareness when experiencing hallucinations. psychosis for me was mostly just hearing voices 24/7 and it makes me uncomfortable because its like despite all the stuff i hear i know its not real but the symptoms just wouldnt go away without meds

guess i will have to just deal with it i feel like if i was forced to live without meds for some reason it would not be as bad as it is for most the worst is just the resulting anxiety and depressed feeling but i am better equipped with stuff that helps with that now

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There must be some way you can get your meds you need. I don’t know much outside of having insurance. Please take care of yourself. If you feel yourself slipping go to a medical doctor.

In Canada, meds are practically free. Health care is free. I pay 18$CA/month for my Latuda.

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