Time period for lithium to take effect?

I was recently prescribed lithium 300 mg morning and 300 mg night. I know this is a small dose so it may not affect me at all. However I am wondering how long it may have taken for it to affect you especially of you started out with a small dose like this. One person has told me it takes about a week. Its been three days for me and I dont think it has changed anything yet.

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May takes some time …friend what are u upto…?? I am sleeping soon… have u had ur breakfast…??

It took a few days to a week for me; I take 1200mg lithium.

I remember when I restarted lithium in 2005 it took weeks for the manic stuff to fully subside and get me back to “normal.”

It took about 2 weeks for me iirc.

I suppose it varies in people.

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it usually takes a couple of weeks. Be careful with lithium. In case no one told you there are things you should be careful of. If I was you I would stay away from hot baths and hot tubs. I also would not drink any alcohol at all. I was on 900 mg and went toxic. I think it was because of those things. I was really really sick, took awhile to get over.

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Why not hot baths and hot tubs. I never heard that one

I remember seeing it when I googled toxicity, also I used Epsom salts in my tub so that my have been a no no too. Anything that can affect your salt balance can affect your lithium levels. I always seem to have problems with meds, I guess I’m sensitive.

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Just got out of the hospital. What have you been up to? i did have breakfast ever since the hospital ive been back in the habit of eating

What dose did you start on?

Did you start on a lower dose? Did it help you at a lower dose or even do anything

I started on 300mg a day. The lowest possible effective dose for me is 1200mg; anything less and it’s not as effective.

I don’t remember, it was years ago