Thursday Night Soberness

So I need to do something about this alcohol issue - it is getting out of hand.

Last night - I woke up several times and had irregular heartbeat then thought about some creepy ghosts lurking in my room especially a drowned girl ?! ah it was so creepy and I had to get up, drink some water and get back to bed.

Today I am sober and just having some soda with lime and seriously need to be stubborn about this as I drink out of boredom.

Not much else, worked, practiced make up and tomorrow I have the whole day to just be productive.

What about you?

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Minus gabapinton I have no meds today…don’t do pain pills anymore and don’t smoke or drink…just stay busy…make some YouTube makeup tutorials…my YouTube channel is small and I don’t expect much out of it but it keeps me distracted and its something I can do with my little one…I actually enjoy editing videos…its still new to me so its not great but I enjoy it…I know you have trouble with being able to enjoy thingsthings too…maybe YouTube and editing will be fun for you like it is for me…good luck…

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You really need to look into this and figure out a way to get meds. This does not look good :frowning:

If I was still 20 and fearless I would’ve opened a Youtube channel - just now getting into the industry and my experience is not that great of 1 year. I am using instagram and hope soon making some clients I can visit.

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I’m manic already…its only been one day without meds…although I only had one yesterday instead of 3 like I usually take… @Moonbeam and various others have given me some advice on getting help…so made some calls today…I just have to make it till it comes through…


You would do fine on YouTube…I don’t show my face or talk on any of my videos…but if your on instagram you already have me beat on the required confidence to really put yourself out there…

Okie great - it is very important, since you have a family. Next thing you know, your kids will see you go psycho and leave the house!!

as for youtube - yeah - just if I was much better skilled it would make sense. Maybe someday!!

I’m a stone cold alcoholic, but it’s been a year since I last drank. If people only knew what kind of anguish and degradation is signified by the word “addiction”.


Congrats on making it a year! I hope to be able to say the same thing in June, just hit the six-month mark on Dec 20. I once went three years (2005-2008) and, yeah, it’s a hell of a struggle. It got easier with time, but I fell off the wagon when my marriage fell apart.

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Sorry to hear that. I know I won’t be able to move out of assisted living unless I quit drinking. If I got out on my own and started drinking again my life could take a dramatic turn for the worse.

Yep, that definitely would be bad to go back to, even if you thought you could handle it and do it just a little. It just doesn’t work that way with us alcoholics. We either don’t drink at all or we’re all in and it takes over. Going into a hospital is what helped me quit this time, they were giving me Librium for the withdrawals. I don’t ever want to mess up and go back to that, have to go through such things to quit again. That wasn’t the reason I went into the hospital, but it was an added benefit of my stay.


Just try to limit yourself to a few drinks on the weekend. I drank a river in my day, but since the kids came along I just buy a six pack for Friday-Saturday.

“Everything in moderation…including moderation.”

In other words, take it slow most of the time but blow the doors off the joint every now and then. :wink:

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Could you be that drowning (in alcohol) ghost girl in your thoughts?
Our subconscious isn’t too far off the mark.

Hope you can be strong against that alcohol, it has a way of being such an inviting friend- as long as all goes well, when your in need though, see just how much it does for the good for you.

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thank you!! I am aware - just lonely at night I guess and bored. Gonna start Gym soon I hope!

Good to hear.
Alcohol used to be my best friend, that is until problems started, then it disappeared.
It is easy now to remember who my friends really are now, and glad to say alcohol isn’t one of them.

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You are not so old, you are in your 20s, right, I was 32 when I went to live in my auto in America, came back from that life when I was close to 35, over two years, you should see photos of me taken in the last few months of my life in my auto, I looked so old, my skin had even aged.


This old guy on the Net wrote a Country song about how all of his friends were like Captain Morgan…Jack Daniels…etc. He was an alcoholic.

But get this! He names the song…

“All Of My Friends Came in a Bottle”


I don’t think he understood the hilarity of the phalic song title! :smile:

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If he were female, it would read a tad different,

“All of my friends came because of the bottle”

Your mileage may vary.

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