Three People Believing They Were Jesus Were Once Brought Together For A Very Unethical Experiment


I want to see it, but the fiancée person says it will trigger me. Gonna have to watch it in secret. :shushing_face:


I’d see it, but I hate Richard Gere.

Something about his squinty eyes makes him untrustworthy and the fact that most women think he’s good looking is just beyond me.

Anyway, I realize this isn’t about Richard Gere and how much he sucks,

It is an interesting story.

One of my baby’s daddies worked in the US Embassy in Jerusalem and experienced a lot of people having Jerusalem Syndrome.

It’s fascinating, religious delusions, so convincing.


Jerusalem syndrome has always piqued my interest. I can imagine it. Wouldn’t be fun.

I doubt I could handle it well, too similar to my old standby.

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I would watch it. With popcorn.


cult leader… i have seen one in russia …but he got impriosioned … god is super complex thing …
few years ago i used to think a lot about god existance …is there really god who is watching us…?? is this universe created by god… where human being came from …who are our creators…
i still get no answer … not god for sz person to think deep about religion … tho i dont disrespect god…


I think this experiment was cruel because of it lasting so long. I could see for a few sessions challenging delusions. But it was just cruel what this dr did


I used to watch 1930s footage of untreated patients with Sz in order to convince myself that my paranoid ideas weren’t true and were just a feature of the illness.


It strikes me as grotesquely inappropriate, but I do understand that at that time people with mental health issues had no rights.

Though it might seem too little too late, at least he recognized his own folly in the end

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I liked him in the movie Hachi.

Peter Dinklage is pretty good, he’s in this trailer.

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Fun movie but I felt they could thrown in a few more Jesuses, a small crowd perhaps. But it’s good that no real Jesus was hurt making the movie.


It annoys me when people when people dress up in Batman costumes at Halloween. It makes it really hard for the police to know which one of them is the real Batman.