Three months after my divorce

Three months later I’m totally recovered. My sadness dissapeared and I’m enjoying a new beautiful life full of happiness and new dreams. Now I exercise one hour every day and I have started to learn Portuguese. I feel really happy.


Yay!!!:heavy_heart_exclamation: Sounds like you’re doing well, good job working out and learning Portuguese



Time is the great healer of many a wound. Good for you! :sunny:

Sometimes in life, when you think it’s the very end…well…that can truly be a new beginning!


I am happy for you. You seem like a strong person.


Take care your ex-husband don’t love you again as you really enjoy life.

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They say the best revenge is living well.


I’m glad to hear you’re doing so well.


I’m happy you’re doing so well!


That’s great to hear !

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That’s great! Keep it up! :star:


Boa sorte! É uma língua difícil, mas com esforço e dedicação tudo se consegue :wink:
Tudo de bom para o teu futuro :slightly_smiling_face:

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That’s awesome! I’m so happy for you!

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I’m really happy for you. You deserve to be happy and have a fulfilling life.

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I don’t want him to love me again. I want him to be happy too.

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Obrigada @Lenny

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That’s great news! Very inspiring. I worry about lot about my husband divorcing me and hope it never happens. It’s good to hear there’s life after the split. My sister is divorced too and she’s struggling financially but she said she’s happy to be single.

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Well good on you!

Starting over is always difficult but it sounds like you have a good routine in place.

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That’s great! I always thought that you were a strong person, and there’s the proof!

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well I’m so happy for you !! be strong and remember to take care of yourself…

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That is great. I’m very happy for you!

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