Three appointments in one day

Well here we go. I have therapy at 12:15, a doctors appointment at 1:45 and a Pdoc appointment at 2:45. In quite nervous for all these appointments. At my doctors appointment I’m going to ask to go on topamax for weight loss and to control binging behaviors. See I’m really worried about becoming diabetic with my high BMI.

At my pdoc appointment I’m going to ask about keeping on seroquel for sleep. Only 50mg so not much at all. That’s what I’ve been taking just using up my old supply really. I don’t know what I’ll do if he doesn’t let me go on it.

It’s going to be an expensive day but I’m thankful I have insurance that will cover at least part of it. Wish me luck!


Best of luck with your hectic day ! :four_leaf_clover:

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Hope everything goes smoothly! Sometimes it can be nice to see providers that are looking after you. :slight_smile:

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How did it all go @Hanna_Foxx were the appointments useful for you?

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Only done with therapy. Currently waiting at my normal doctors office now.


My normal doc started me on the lowest dosage of topamax 25mg. Just to start. I’ll see her in two weeks to increase it if it’s not yet working for weight loss.


Are all the offices near each other? That seems like a lot of appointments really close together, time wise. The way half my doctors run late I would never be able to pull that off. hahaha


Yeah my doctor and my pdoc are in the same office.

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Well my pdoc appointment went well too! We are switching my Klonopin for Ativan, raising my Wellbutrin dose to 300mg and he’s giving me 25mg of seroquel for sleep.



How did your appointments go? Are you okay?

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Appointments went fine but no I’m not okay at this moment, see my latest thread about getting fired.

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That’s why I asked. PMS are open, or we can chat here.

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