Threats from a cross-gender

ok, be naïve, SoItGoes.

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Ford had that reputation as being clumsy. Comics made fun of him all the time. He was actually a gifted athlete, he was a star football player in college. Reagan once said about Ford (I think it was Reagan) “Jerry Ford is so dumb he can’t walk and chew gum at the same time”.

I’ll do some homework and get back to you…

Wait your saying Gerald ford was a transexual?

Yeah I’m a little to young for that I just remember the snl skit.

Yeah, I’m old, lol. I was alive when Kennedy was president!

That’s pretty epic man. Civil rights all that ■■■■.

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yeah, by dress and name.

Humans are first females when the development process begins. When sex characteristics are initiated throughout the developmental processes, sometimes anatomical sex organs differ from neural pathways in the brain that lead an individual to consider themselves male or female. Research material about this subject can be read online.

In the LGBTQ community, there are specific titles that specify who an individual is.

Had I been born with anatomical sex organs that differ from my mental processes, I would express an attitude for change.

What is wrong and what has occured in a California public school, is when an individual makes up their sexual identity for attention.

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Idk. People changing their physical bodies. I don’t even like cosmetic surgery or breast implants.

Did read a few scifi books that made it seem cool but no one is getting animal horns implanted in real life or anything like that.

Some youths who have had major support appear (facially) as the sex they represent.

When it comes to any individual wanting some type of anatomical change or mental upgrade, I have read where some folks don’t want a sex drive at all, because they say it gets in the way.

Not trying to be insensitive to anyone here who suffers from a gender disorder, but… There were times when I was convinced I needed surgery to have a pacemaker removed because it was alien tech implanted in me. That’s delusional thinking. If you’re obviously male (as in born with a dongle instead of a port), but think you’re female, (or vice versa) that strikes me as delusional thinking.

My personal view is that it is better to treat the delusional thinking than to encourage it through surgical mutilation. The suicide and other psychiatric issues amongst those who have been surgically altered are so alarmingly high that I question if we are helping or hurting more by enabling these delusions.


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Yeah it’s a bit permanent… Doesn’t sit well with me.

Reminds me of mr Garrison on South Park.

I’ll be the odd female out here and say I am not convinced each individual is having a delusion.

Sexual differentiation of the human brain in relation to gender identity and sexual orientation - PubMed

The original PCORI article has been moved. But here is an article showing how transgender research is taking a front burner approach.

Largest study of transgender person health funded by PCORI

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Not in the least. You’ve gone from apples and oranges to asteroids and oranges here. I’m quite okay with homosexuality and support gay marriage.

Thinking you’re male when you’re demonstrably not is delusional. So is thinking you’re Jesus or Napoleon when you’re not.

Not every offshoot from the norm deserves automatic embrace, either. The data we’re getting back from those who have had sex change surgery merits a discussion, if nothing else.


I’m not sold on the argument than transgender people are delusional. They clearly know their physical gender, or they wouldn’t change themselves physically if they were truly delusional.

Studies show that male and female brains are physically and chemically different, and that homosexual brains are more similar to the opposite gender. I haven’t seen any similar studies with transgender people, but I’d suspect that they are even closer to having the brain of the opposite sex. Since they often state they feel they were born in the wrong gender body, even though they know their physical gender.

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When Dick F. Swaab, MD, PhD and Alicia Garcia-Falgueras, PhD of The Netherlands Institute for Neuroscience discuss the origins of transsexuality, neither of them discuss those identifying as transsexuals as having delusions.

Abnormal hormone levels during early development may play a role, as suggested by the high frequency of polycystic ovaries, oligomenorrhea and amenorrhea in female-to-male (FtM) transsexuals. This observation suggests early intrauterine exposure of the female fetus to abnormally high levels of testosterone (83). A recent study did not confirm a significantly increased prevalence of polycystic ovary syndrome. However, there was a significantly higher prevalence of hyperandrogynism in FtM transsexuals, also indicating the possible involvement of high testosterone levels in transsexuality (84). A girl with congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH), who has been exposed to extreme levels of testosterone in utero, will also have an increased chance becoming transsexual. Although the likelihood of transsexuality developing in such cases is 300-1000 greater than normal, the risk for transsexuality in CAH is still only 1-3% (85), whereas the probability of serious gender problems is 5.2% (86). The consensus is, therefore, that girls with CAH should be raised as girls, even when they are masculinized (24).

These doctors then discuss transsexuality in the brain, the developmental effects.

I’ve learned that nothing head-related responds well to meds. We tend to get “responds okay to meds if you’re lucky” and also “hopefully the side-effects don’t suck more than you can handle”. I’m just thinking that having med problems will likely be better than being permanently mutilated by surgery. We need to find better solutions for people who are suffering through this issue.

This may be better meds. This may be something else.

I’m libertarian by nature. If someone who passes reality testing for the most part wants to pay for a bunch of surgery on their own, far be it from me to stand in their way. I only take umbrage when:

  1. I’m the one being asked to foot the bill for it, and
  2. Someone with male bits winds up in a change room with my underage daughter. You have male bits, you go into the male change room or you find an alternative that involves you and my hellspawn not being naked around each other.

If these views make me an archaic old croaker, so be it.
