Thoughts about my relationship with my family

My family sees me as different than what I used to be
They stigmatize me as the sick one
They try not to do this but they can’t help it
Their perception of me changed because I was diagnosed with sz
I’m human first and foremost and deserve dignity and respect
But my family has a hard to time doing that
Because they perceive me as being different and lesser than
That’s a major bummer
Oh well I’ll just keep plugging away at their perceptionl


How long ago were you diagnosed? I’m wondering if maybe it’s just something they need to get used to. I find most people don’t know how to react, but once they see that it’s still me, they relax and the stigma fades away

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I’ve been diagnosed for about 40 years These thoughts were more of me reminescing about the way it used to be. And as my recovery took hold they got used to me.


I’m glad your family got used to you. Do they support you at all?

My familyi is pretty supportive now. It took a while though.


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