So last month I went batshit nuts. I did a bunch of embarrassing things (ex. posted “inappropriate” pic of myself on FB). Was absolutely manic. All the while, I was on 50 mg of thorazine three times a day! I was STILL wired for sound! I’ve come down a lot, but I still can’t sit still and my thoughts race constantly.
I’m curious about my dx since I’ve never had such an episode before (at least one that wasn’t coupled with psychosis). My previous pdoc labeled me schizoaffective, which is basically a mood disorder coupled with psychosis. I never thought I could be bipolar, but now I’m wondering…
I would take down that pic on Facebook quickly. Somebody could use it to blackmail you. I saw a story on Youtube about this fourteen year old girl who let a guy talk her into flashing him on Youtube. The guy used the pic to blackmail her savagely. He posted the image to all her friends on Facebook. The girl tried to change schools, but the guy posted the girl’s image to the people there. She could not escape this guy’s terrorization. She ended up committing suicide.