Apparently Catilyn Jenner may pose nude.
That’s good news. My Jabba the Hut pinup is getting stale. Need something comparable to replace it with.
Well if you’re pretending to be princess Leah then the Jenner poster may the one for you…
Frikken gross. Lol. And of course if someone barfs they are politically incorrect. Color me barf
Hey, she won a gold medal in the Olympics for Christs sake. She is OK in my book, but just the same, I’'ll probably skip that issue.
I’m Han Solong. (Get it?)
probably beat an entire team of dudes… in shotput
Whoosh! That one went right over my head. I don’t get it. I guess everybody knows that she won the Decathalon and was known as the "Worlds Greatest Athlete’ in the '70’s.
It was just pun that’s she’s really strong lol. I had no idea she won anything
They say that the Decathalon is the hardest sport to win in the Olympics.
I originally read that as Dickathalon. Maybe it’s time to ask for a med adjustment.
Do people in America call him a her?
Lol. Yea or we will be scolded for not respecting sensitivities of a sexual culture. Truthfully its a catch 22. I don’t bash different sexualities but there is no forgiveness unless i use their chosen titles
Frankly I love anyone who breaks down any barriers of normalicy’s stigma…
If a man feels like a woman and wants to be identified and treated as such (although I try to treat everyone the same)… then so be it. Wrapping my head around the oddness of it gives me something to do. Even if they never have a sex change operation… that’s cool with me.
The world at large isn’t going to stop being straight and narrow pricks… but I will carve a path through that close-minded nonsense everywhere I go and disdain those who belittle folk who are different.
It’s more like being a bubble and just having normality close back up behind you and the world goes largely unaffected… but occasionally you meet the right people and that bubble is temporarily expanded where for once it might actually seem like a worldview of acceptance is viable and could exist… Which gives me hope for the future of humanity… and also let’s me know who my potential friends are. As in real friends not just same time same place type folk.
Let that number grow… please god I need some entertaining conversation and some guidance here as I’m in my late twenties and I’m still finding myself. I know hetero-normative folk well enough to know that I ain’t them. I see a lot of similarities to a lot of people… but I’m curious about this ■■■■… furiously curious and for no sexual purpose at all… It’s intricate and amazing.
There are still creeps out there though. People who can’t take no for an answer… people who will push and push for sexual intercourse like it means anything at all if they have to try and do that. Some of them are good people… others really are just broken and looking to escape/live the old days/ or seem that they’re genuine perverts… Probably a lot more reasons to explain the variety of behaviors behind those “fascinations.”
I’ll end my rant there though…
A turtle strolls in. takes one look around and then bolts for the nearest exit
I have to puke, but I have to do it on the side of the line set aside for non PC folk. It’s pretty nasty over here as it seems I wasn’t the first to puke.
We should build a turtle fence… Keep them from migrating away from our totalitarian rule.
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