This Small Device Could Silence the Maddening Symptoms of Tinnitus


Nice to hear this. Mine is killing me…and it strongly reacts to my stress or anxiety.
I guess we still have to wait a lot.

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I dont unserstand tinnitus in the context of sz. I have it also with visual snow and don’t get what this symptom is. Auditory hallucinations? Or pre-hallucinatory sound? Its all day every day…

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I sometimes get tinnitus along with raised blood pressure. When it happen I go to my chiropractor who resets my neck vertebrae and the tinnitus and raised blood pressure are gone the next day.

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I have a constant buzzing that is worse some days and in relation to stress. I guess I didn’t know much about tinnitus because I thought it was temporary. My buzzing isn’t short-term… Anyway, this study is interesting but highlights for me, once again, how little help there is for any of my “issues”. They just don’t know, not even about tinnitus… they don’t know.

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When it comes to mental illnesses and problems of the brain, doctors just dont know. (smdh)