This is strange

Yesterday I was told I’m getting an mri to check if I have any growths around my ear cos of pulsating noises I get.

It made me think.


What if I actually have a tumour there

Would u guys do surgery, brain surgery??

I don’t really…

I’m glad I’m getting some form of mri I would have preferred the whole brain, but watevr, maybe wen I’m older

Or maybe this ear mri will show something that leads to me getting a whole brain mri anywayss

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Oh yea

I said this is strange because

Thinking that wat if I have a tumour that might kill me

Made me think do I really belong here on earth anyways

(depression talking)

I can remember hearing noises when I went to sleep was one of the first things that made me psychotic, I thought the wooshing noises were people talking. I am sure there is not much to worry about, I think your doctor was saying the same thing. Sorry you feel like you don’t belong, it is not that you don’t it is just that mental illness has given you an experience different from a lot of people. Hopefully, if you keep putting effort into getting yourself back on track, you might be able to call it different one day.


of course you belong here, we all belong here

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It made me cry actually. I just thought well do I even belong here. And then I suddenly felt really sad.
Like it was fate to die young.
And it reminded me of this girl who died of a brain tumor in her 20s she actually was one of my voices.

It probably is nothing serious ur right, but it might be lol. U have no idea how bad my eating habits have been for years, my brother is like yea butterfly u should really get a whole mri cos he is one of the only ones who sees wat I binge on.

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Do you see anyone about your eating problems?

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No they actually were going to but because my number changed they took me off the service lol!! Like sent me a letter saying that. Weirdos.

But I am seeing a dietician in a few weeks cos I am now a plant based eater now and she will check with me that I’m eating OK.

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If I were you I would go in and see your gp about getting an appointment with them again. Its no good not eating well all them time.

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Funnily enough I actually think I will be OK now. Diet wise. Thinking that there might be a tumour pressing on my blood vessels is currently putting me off binge eating…

Thanks for the suggestion thou I will defo go back to them if by some chance I do binge eat again :hugs:


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