This is me? This is who I am? Nothing is going to change that?

This is me?
This is who I am?
Nothing is going
to change that?


Change your Health +
change your Decisions
and thus change yourself.

@insidemind Change your thoughts too.


Change your Health +
change your Decisions
and thus change yourself.

@insidemind Change your thoughts too.

Change your thoughts too.

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@insidemind Change your thoughts too.


I thought Life is Automatic + Choices + Decisions. And thoughts are automatic and or choices+decided

so I didn’t write thoughts

Change your thoughts must be added if statement is added with a different perspective.

In this perspective Decisions replaces it.

Edit: I updated the posts.



read books by Dr. Mark Hyman and Dr. David Perlmutter

change your memory and change your actions too

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Having good thoughts is pretty essential to well-being. Intrusive thoughts make it difficult though.

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Thank God, we have antipsychotics

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