This forum made me surprised

i rarely write here because i have hard time collecting thoughts, usually just read other people experiences, but i wanted to say that i never seen so many friendly and supportive people in one place, im here a few months and in that time i have not seen any negative or insulting comments, glad to be a part of this. for a long time i was withdrawn, just wanted everyone to leave me alone, and today suddenly felt an urge to comunicate so just wanted to share my thoughts :slight_smile:


It’s been quiet at the forum yes :slight_smile: Glad you’re feeling welcome! Please feel free to share your stories :slight_smile:

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Please write some more of what is on your mind, haven’t seen you before. :slight_smile:

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It is a good place, and sometimes writing may help, everyone does try to help one another, glad you were able to share! :+1:t6:

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maybe because i never introduced myself, i have been diagnosed with depression with psychotic features and some personality disorder, but my doctor said it could be a schizophrenia prodrome considering that illness runs in my family on fathers side, my grand grandmother, grandmother and aunt had it, my father also delusional and paranoid but not diagnosed, so lately im trying to learn as much as i can about this ilness…

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Welcome faithless.

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Welcome to us! Sorry about your family history. I have sz in my family too.

No matter diagnose, psychotic experiences binds us together.

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Welcome!!! Feel free to share when you feel like it​:blush::blush::blush:

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Ty for sharing. It makes me glad to hear this

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