I don’t know, I don’t really get a good vibe from this forum, I’m sorry I don’t mean to offend anyone. But everyone seems to have it so hard and seems to be so lonely and unhappy. I find it sad. Are we handicaps? Like mentally disabled.
Ey mane!
Do you enjoy lifting weights with your testicles?
You seem to be discounting all the good things people write about. Like you’re just focusing on the depressing stuff instead of seeing some of the positive stuff in peoples lives that they write about.
Hmm depends on how you look at it mate. Some people find solace in this forum. Not everybody here is lonely, some are married, have great family, friends etc.
I the great marbles am not a handicaps! Just lose my sanity from time to time.
Then again the alternate state has some benefits, to bad it’s so dangerous or I would be there more often.
i think this forum is great!!!
except that i suffer from anxiety which makes it a bit depressing to post idk why i keep posting, i just get the urge to but it will maybe stop.
yea i think theres plenty of positive things here too.
and the negative just helps to make me feel less alone and something to reflect on at times.
I think everyone has good days and bad days. So there’ll aleays be a bit of negativity at any given point. But it’s good because it’s a support forum and people can get support.
It means well I think but I have trouble navigating it.
I’m drawn to whoever said “Whether you win, or lose a fight on the Internet, you’re still a loser.” BUT…
… people tend to like winners, and I think they get more support and service from the site?
This is a forum to rant and complain so I can move on and feel or do better IRL
stay stoked bro, read the health and recovery threads for a while instead
The point of this forum is to support each other so some of the posts will be depressing. I’m going through a divorce at moment so my posts at present will be a bit dark. But the point is to get support. If we can’t get it here then where else? Then this forum won’t be serving it’s purpose.
That said, there’s a lot of lighthearted posts as well, so if you want to skip the depressing stuff then look for the thread titles with positive meanings. Eg. What’s your favourite food/ The gratefulness thread, etc.
I am hesitant to post good news but this year has been very good to me. I renovated my appartment, got a new job, finished writing a 300 page book and found opportunities to pursue my academic interests in more formal fashion. I also started dating someone I like. Good things can happen.
It’s not depressing. I’ve found help and friendship here.
Post positive things if you want.
Yes, its depressing sometimes but its still better than being alone with the voices. Here we can share whats going on with us. Sorry, it drags you down. They are funparts and uplifting posts as well. I read the posts as drama or tragedy. I don’t know about vibes. Its just written text, but i can imagine the suffering and optimism as well as the happiness as its written by real people.
‘You see the world as you are, not as it is’
I don’t know who said that first but it tempers me down a lot.
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