This depressing life

i read adding nuvigil is supposed to help make your brain come back, its being tested now for schizophrenia

I took Provigil when I had MS symptoms because it combats the tiredness from that.
But for me anyway it gives you a wide awake buzz that borders on psychosis so watch out.

I will ask my doc for meds that help me concentrate, my next appointment is the 10th.

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Adderall? fifteen characters

Maybe Iā€™ll try that, I just donā€™t feel like leaving the house, I get really paranoid. :frowning:

So many instances of paranoia in the last week, it feels like itā€™s getting worse honestly. And Iā€™m on medication too, so it doesnā€™t make sense.

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Anything, but I just donā€™t feel like heā€™ll prescribe to me, as Iā€™ve had a pretty decent marijuana addiction and would just abuse it I think. But I will ask, hopefully he will give me. Iā€™ve told him I had trouble concentrating but hasnā€™t given me anything other than anti psychotics and clonazepam.

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Dudeā€¦alright this is gonna piss people offā€¦this is who I amā€¦ :smile:

IF you love weed that much bro, you shouldnā€™t need more medicine.

I was on ummā€¦what was itā€¦ā– ā– ā– ā–  what was itā€¦it was a controlled substance that is like taking a glass of wineā€¦geezā€¦LORAZAPAM.

There we go. IF you need a pill get off the pot and youā€™ll probably abuse something controlled like lorazapam, you donā€™t need that stuff in my opinionā€¦


A lot of people donā€™t know that but thereā€™s word that pot is a depressant, so pop in pink Floyd next time and feel bad or something? Nah, but if youā€™re losing it manā€¦get off that weed.

i used to smoke, not anymore. but I havenā€™t felt better since quitting, maybe even more depressed.

the paranoia for me was very badā€¦not nowā€¦
to get better we have to slowly push our selves out of our safe zoneā€¦
when you do you will find that the world you imagine in your head is not the same in realityā€¦
it is flawed ā€¦yesā€¦but no one is after usā€¦
we are infact chasing ourselves within our own mindsā€¦it is sad ā€¦but true.
know someone cares.
take care

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