This crazy life we lead

So now I have it in my mind that the town is going to sink in to the ground after a man made earth quake sent water from the salt mines in to the ocqwafur.leaving the old mines empty and falling in.

Was there an earthquake recently @DrZen ?

I’d be more scared of tornadoes than man made earthquakes if I was living in kansas. I dont think something like that has happened before. Not that I have heard of.

Yes the earth quake made the news paper and had us all shaken

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Fracking??? 1515151515151

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Like I holidayed in California north of LA and it was a magical place. Still. I don’t know how you peeps live there with that Fault line ever so close. We are miles from any faults or things and I’m happy about that. We get the odd cyclone I suppose which really is a problem but gawd. Look after yourselves.

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California has natural earthquakes.

However, Oklahoma has man-made earthquakes.

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Gawd that is whack. They use fracking over here where we have so much dry and it affects the groundwater…absolutely crazy thing to do on many levels but they do it. I’ve never experienced a quack and it would be scary as hell. Keep safe peeps.

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