Third eye blind

Don’t look at the world with the voices and thoughts. Look through your third eye.

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My voices say they took my third eye

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They took mine too, but you can get it back.

How do you get it back?

Just look through it and keep doing that all the time instead of listening to voices. If the voices or thoughts come, just look at them like you would look at anything else, then look at other things again.

How do you look though your third eye?

It’s similar to looking through your eyes, but it is the eye in your head.

So pretend I have an eye on my head and look though it?

Yeah, try that. I mean mine is IN my head.

I tried to walk around my house with my eyes closed doing this didn’t work out so grate

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Seriously this can help if the thoughts and voices are overwhelming.

I keep telling the optician about my third eye and they keep getting my prescription wrong :eyeglasses: :face_with_monocle: :eye: :eyes: :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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