just starting thinking about society and civilization. people have to work and do all this other stuff that is considered normal nowadays because enough people got together and figured they could make things better for themselves if things are a certain way. no one knows what their purpose really is or the meaning of life, i think about how every other animal but humans lives to mainly survive and reproduce etc. while we have to worry and deal with so much other stuff.
i wonder what itd be like to live away from big cities and civilizations, hunt and gather for food, basically live more like the other animals and maybe how people were before things became so advanced. i think about it more and its impractical mostly because ive spent my whole life in a society where not really anybody has any true survival skills for actually being out in the wild and everything humans used to do in life has been replaced with new technology or just paying someone else to do everything for you (like how simplified buying food has become instead of how it would be if every step of the process had to be done yourself)
laws prevent me from even fishing or hunting for food without a license, and everyone who has money claims huge pieces of land as their own property even if the land has been there long before people even found it and the people that found it and inhabited it for who knows how long had it taken from them by other people with more power.
its weird i now feel like i dont belong anywhere because everything has been overly complicated and filled with distractions and the way things are i dont even know if this kind of lifestyle and society is something i really want to be apart of.