Thinking about taking up studying again!

I thought I’d put the thought of holding a degree behind me after having to leave and getting sectioned on my second attempt of my final year!

But then someone moved into my project who is currently a student at the “Open University”!

They watered a seed that had already been planted and I’m now seriously thinking about doing a Credit Transfer, that would effectively see me doing possibly just my final year part time over a few years.


I’m thinking about trying to finish my degree with the OU as well, after twice having to drop out from normal uni. What would you study?

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Right on man. I am in the States and am thinking about transferring my credits to another accredited school here. If I don’t transfer them to an accredited school, I stand the possibility of winding up at a “For Profit”, school that employers would question in the end, Anyway, good luck.

Computing and IT!

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