I’ve been thinking a lot about my future and what I want to be doing with the rest of my life. After experiencing everything I’ve been through over the past decade, when my mind broke shortly after the birth of my daughter, I sorta am past caring about things that aren’t related to people’s emotional wellbeing. I mean, unless someone is hurting like I know I felt, I just don’t think it is that important. My priorities shifted from the experience. Either that or I’m having negative symptoms?
I hope it is the experience that changed my perception of what matters in life. I no longer care about most status related items. I’m just happy to have food, cloths, shelter, and adequate employment to support my daughter and myself. But about that. I’ve been dreaming big. I guess, with everything I’ve been through, and writing the book about my journey through mental illness to recovery. I don’t really want to step back in the closet and hide the greatest professional accomplishment of my life, learning to take medication every day to stop the positive symptoms, and getting better. I’m pretty much out of the closet with my mental health, and would like to spend the rest of my life talking about that process of getting past it. I mean, it took so long to get well to the point that I CAN talk about it.
Now, I just enjoy sharing. It makes me feel good to tell my story. I’ve learned that it isn’t about me anymore when I tell people my story. It is about their skills and ability to handle my story. I mean, I’ve done the work to get well, if my story is too much for them that is their issue, that needs help.
Anyway, anybody know of a job like I’m describing? What is your dream job?
Hook up with NAMI, Sunny, not sure about the pay, but if you want to inspire with your story, it’s one way to do with, through teaching classes, and speaking gigs.
If you have knowledge in mindfulness therapy, exercises, personal evaluation, cognitive behavioral therapy, you can lead classes to those in patient in psych units, especially if you’re with NAMI.
If you have other ideas of recovery, like personal health and nutrition, take online classes and get certified, only about $100 a class through a community college, then ask your instructor what you should do to get employed. Hospitals will take you, likely.
My dream job is still to be a chef, but that is not something I can do because of ongoing issues with back pain. I just can’t do the kind of bending and lifting required for kitchen work. I drive a bulk fuel delivery truck these days and life is mostly okay. I still mess around in the kitchen at home, which keeps me happy.
I want to write horror, thriller, and romance novels. become a film director, publish a cool movie. Into mind-bending stuff that’s also inspiring…movies can inspire masses and change the flow, that’s why Hollywood is so controlled. My novel is going to be written in flashbacks, like Memento. I’m planning on starting it this morning…want to appeal to a select crowd. The crazy people like me, eccentrics, artists. And there’s lots of space in the countryside to shoot films. Other dream jobs: private detective, hacker, spy, journalist.
I’ve found the best way to organize your thoughts as a writer is to make a workbook, including an outline of what you want to do, jot down certain lines or ideas that you can develop later.
I mean, it could be a novel, if you want it to be. I’ve got a young person’s book I’ve nearly written all the highlights of what it will entail, but haven’t flushed it out with language.
That is a really good idea. I’m working on my story writing abilities every day. Evernote is supposed to be a good writing app and I’ve downloaded a couple others.