Think I have a stomach ulcer

Waiting to see the GP now. Also want to discuss getting my weight loss medication on the NHS but don’t know if I will be able to.

My stomach has been growling a lot even though I’m eating and not hungry. Also been burping snd a bit of acid reflux.

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Just seen the doctor and I am home now. I have some omeproazole to treat it. Got to go back in a month.


Hope that helps!

I have had stomach acid problems for a long time and only just got diagnosed as hiatus hernia

Think they might have checked for ulcers

Did you have an endoscopy to diagnose that?

Not sure I made the right decision to be awake during the procedure!

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No endoscopy. (I’ve had one in the past though) I just told her my symptoms and she gave me something to treat it. If it doesn’t work I go back in 2 weeks. Otherwise I go back in a month.


Fingers crossed it works!

If you get acid reflux at night I got a wedge shaped pillow

It has stopped the acid building up in my throat during the night leading to vomiting

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Ty. Yes I do get it at night. That’s when it’s always the worst.

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Could be the Wegovy @Qwerty
It can disturb your stomach


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