Think I am getting worsening anhedonia

Food tastes bland. Music is ‘colourless’ and old music hasn’t aged well


I know what you mean about old music, @anon94176359 because too much of it sounds depressing to me. What era is too old for you? For me it’s anything from about 1998 or 99 up until now that really turns my crank. It’s not that I don’t like older music, especially hard rock from the late 60s/70s and the 90s, but music should be progressive.

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I mean albums I love made by my favourite band in like 2000 sound like ■■■■

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Yeah, that’s bad. Am listening to the latest Coldplay album, right now, but I don’t think I can ever bring myself to listen to their debut album, Parachutes again and that was released in '99 I think. Too many girl worshiping lyrics for me. Ugh!

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Hey, as long as I can feel the sun on my back, a nice breeze blowing on my skin, relish the sight of the Santa Cruz mountains off in the distance, or feel attraction to the woman wearing short shorts in front of me in line at Target an hour ago or sadness and anger I’m satisfied. I can live with that.


I feel the same way. I can’t enjoy anything.

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This is new for me

This goes up and down for me. In all areas.

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