my best memories are spending time with my friends in college a couple years ago, we had such a good time i found a room for us in the college where we could all hang out with computers and things
Right now I’m burning angel incense. My dad got me tarot cards from his trip to Spain. My brothers back too but he’s sick so he’s drinking ginger ale and resting. Currently watching Iran deal on aljazeera which I’m still struggling to understand. Id like to help make the world a better place but peace starts within. The sky is blue and clear. I feel like reading or writing.
Happiest thought??? I dunno… I feel rather down and overcast… Maybe that my husband still loves me, even though I have sz. Also that soon my parents will come visit, can’t wait to see them
i really want my nephews to do well in life, i wish i could help them get set for a a good life, i know they are not my kids but they are still part blood so they are my blood i guess.
so a happy thought for me would be them getting set with a good woman, job and all the rest, everything that i should have had. so good luck to them
its something that i think that i myself could do just now haha imagine i met someone and had kids and so did my nephews and they grew up together lol idk how they would be related lol.