Things you’d like to do

Play piano so well that I’d feel comfortable performing at a nursing home on an informal and regular basis.

Travel to Ireland, Israel and Spain.

Read more of my books.

Watch and listen to more of my educational art and music DVD’s and CD’s.


Nebraska won’t ever legalize cannabis until they are literally forced to by the feds. I am very, very lucky to be able to buy Delta 8 THC here. Nebraska put up the same kind of fight over gay marriage. And right now, they’re really pushing pro life too.

About to be federally legalized. Clap :clap:

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Taking a few puffs at a party with your fellows is one thing, but smoking excessively by yourself everyday is different. You get the difference?

Thats beautiful that you want to play at a nursing home.

I hope you do.

It brings so much joy.

i convinced my x boyfriend to play at my grandmas nursing home.
He was so nervous.
He did it anyway but was incredibly nervous.


I would love to live with my x and dog in SA again but he said no so embrace my life here.

Iwould like to go horse riding regularly,
go to the gym and stay on my vegan diet and be 55 kg again,

get tattoos of the dogs on my leg, get a full sleeve arm tattoos,

be healthier,

be a animal rights activist and environment activist,

possibly volunteer a hour a week home visit,

keep doing what im doing in a way

keep walkingmy brothers dogs.its good for me and them and i get paid .

Have best relationships with my loved ones.

support, comfort and be there for my loved one as much as she needs now specially as her mum is dying.To be able to bring a smile to her face and love and peace etc.

grow my hair as long as it will get.
doesnt seem to grow past a point.

accept my wrinkles and instead focus on inner beauty and things that matter more than barbie doll looks.

not live in regret but be in peace with who i am and decisions i made even when it was to leave the ones i love most to be able to be the person i want to be.vegan.

i dont know if i will get better than i am.
im well at moment but have been happier and feel like im tied up in invisible restraints.

pretty much keep doing what im doing but try loose weight and eat healthier and hopefully horseride and gym.

i want to get my nose pierced too.

perfect family and perfect home i had to leave to become biggest regret but good came from it.
just ask my cowculater that says i saved 740 lives.
and my boyfriend is lovely.

my favourite human is my x in sa and also my former step mum.i reckon.


If possible, I would like to be free of this stalking/oppression that people put on me.


I would like to be able to run again. A couple of years ago I got unwell while running 10 miles. In hospital they noticed a small heart disfunction (bundle branch block). Haven’t been able to run ever since. I stick to walking and cycling on my stationary bike.


I would like to visit my sister and her family, or have them come and visit me. They live a thousand miles away.


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