They're trying to make me beg for my card

I had an American Express debit card that was compromised and I ordered a new one. I know that it has come in the mail to the woman who handles the mail at the assisted living center where I live, and she won’t give it to me. She is trying to make me beg for it. I am very angry. Not having a card is causing me a lot of trouble. I signed on a patreon account and I’ve missed the last two payments because I don’t have a card. I’m almost ready to file a grievance, but I know there will be recriminations if I do. They’re not supposed to do that, but I know they will.

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Can you ask her casually if she knows your card came in? Doesn’t she technically have to give you your card. It is your mail. Why would they be doing this?


Hey Crimby, I wonder if it is against the law to withhold someones mail? I think it might be.


Well, I’ve casually asked my case manager, who gets my mail from this woman, if my card has arrived, and he said this woman hasn’t given it to him. I’m sure she has it, because I ordered my card on Feb.23, and I was told my card would arrive in seven to ten days. I think there probably is a law that says she has to give me my mail. As for why doing it, the reason is complex.

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Yeah, it would have to be some seriously high levels of bureaucracy if it wasn’t in yet. I believe there is such a law.

So, I just did some research. It is a Federal crime to withhold someone’s mail in the USA. If the woman does have you’re card and is refusing to give it, she could be fired. You could confront her.

So, just to make sure. Is there a logical reason why they would be withholding your mail?

Once, I thought that someone in the class was making me change my test answers. I believed this was transmitted into my mind. I confronted my teacher about the incident. He looked at me like I was a nut job, and I left quickly. I guess I was just a bit paranoid, and I don’t want a similar thing to happen to you.

Well, I wish you luck.

Until you figure this problem out, can you go to your bank in person and get a new card? Is there a branch near you? I bank with Bank of America. I lost two debit cards. I went to my local branch and I talked to a manager and while I was sitting there he put in an order for a new card and he handed me a temporary card to use on the spot until my regular card came in the mail.