the new 6 members of the household aren’t even here yet and i’m already stressed out. my father in law informed me that I will have to pick up dog poop twice a day, scoop the cat box two to three times a day and then take out trash twice a day and keep the apartment clean up to their standards. I AM ■■■■■■■ DOOMED!
I don’t understand why the kids can’t be made to do some of these chores, their dog will be pooping back there too. their cats will be using the only litter box in the house. they will be adding to the extra garbage. I cried this morning just thinking of everything I have to do now.
Your in-laws really need to invest in some additional litter boxes. Cats can be pretty fussy and the current cats may not want to share with the new cats which could result in the cats going potty all over the house.
Ultimately it’s up to you and Kay to decide to move out. Waiting until “the perfect time” may mean you’ll be waiting a long time. The stress of the situation could affect your mental health and well-being as well as your relationship with Kay.
Can you and Kay sit down and come up with a plan and a schedule for moving out and try to hold yourselves to it? Do you have a social worker or mental health care advocate that could help you and Kay with this?
are you really paying rent?! Sounds like they’re using you as a house keeper. Perhaps you should charge them back for all the work they want you to do.
Kay and I clean their house too sometimes. Yet they get mad and bitch when I need Kay’s help to just so sick of this sometimes I have suicidal thoughts
You do realize that no one gives up a good servant very easily?
If you ever want to get out from under the Monster-in laws, it’d be much easier for them to allow you to leave if you were less complacent with their demands. Slowly resist their demands little by little, it’s not as hard as it sounds…
Live long and strong enough to become a boil on their butt, if nothing else, just for the sake of the pleasure of their displeasure.
Start small by slapping some idiot repellent on your back, then watch as their “looks” they give you roll right off your back.
Repeat as often as needed, “I do not owe these people my life.”
Please talk to a mental Health Professional.
Staying with your In laws is taking a toll on your well being.
I would plan a fast exit.
It’s now a matter of life or death.