There’s no wrong, - only variety. - Jin Yang Hong.
He was wrong !
If you resume being an analyzer of wrong, you’ll be a moral hero with no happiness.
I don’t know. There are some things that are near absolute with almost everybody. I bet every person on this forum would agree that murder is wrong for example.
Indeed. But the fun part is that if everyone would follow this wisdom, there would be less criminality overall though. Understand?
I don’t understand…
I’ve been in psychology classes that claim there is no right or wrong or no truth.
I suspect these people are sociopaths. No moral compass. I can tell you there is right and wrong. It may not be black and white but if we didn’t know right from wrong we wouldn’t have evolved.
I know there’s a right and wrong, but nobody would like to live for that situation, wherea’s you calculate between these two. So actually, this is more like a life-wisdom to not bother to calculate all the time. 99% of your calculating is waste of time and mental health!
Learning the difference between right and wrong is not necessarily a detrimental thing.
There’s not much to learn as most people already know that what is right or wrong since their childhood. But lots of the triggers come because we judge and don’t stop doing so. It’s your choice really, either you judge all the time or only judge when it’s needed to.
Jin Yang Hong was a bachelor. Just sayin’.
Yea well it’s needed right now cos you are bringing up the topic?
I’m not judging, I’m just stating my opinion.
Since judging implies that you are being over critical I think?
I meant the judging is waste of metal wealth, didn’t mean you were judging.
I find your topics interesting but sometimes I find you hard to understand… Sorry
Well, I know that at least I have been too critical and always wandering between the right and wrong. It has been a hell for me.
It’s great that you wander about those things imo.
Sorry to hear its been bit hellish though
At the end it’s not that great, because I have better things to do than being a moral “hero” all the time.
For me it makes me feel more clear minded.
Everyone does wrong things at points
I do wrong things.
To me wrong things are just stuff that don’t serve me well in the long run. If I continue with the wrong thing long term
So learning the distinction between wrong and right can be useful.
But yea I do agree with you do
That there’s variety.
We all sort of have our own understanding of what’s wrong and what’s right so there’s not any absolute wrong. And absolute right.
I understand why morality is there. But as example, if you take the morality off and switch it to the ‘variety’ mode, you’ll not analyze your mind all the time, but the rest of it.